Thursday, 23 June 2016

Books I Should Have Read By Now


While I was looking at my shelves, I thought about what I read and realised that there are some things almost every book blogger has read, but I haven't. I have since come to the conclusion that there are way too many for me to just ignore them, and so my TBR has grown quite considerably. *Sigh*. So without further ado, here are some books that I seriously should've read by now.

1: The Harry Potter Series.
I have read The Philosopher's Stone, but I haven't read the rest, and while I have seen all the movies at least 12 times each, I know that the books will be slightly different and probably a lot betterthan the movies. As a self-proclaimed hardcore HP fan, I feel like I should read those books ASAP.

2: The Game of Thrones Series.
No, i haven't seen the TV show yet, either. I'm hoping I'll get to watch the show before reading the books, so I won't be so disappointed when I find that the books are so much better. They're there. On the bookcase in the lounge. I promise I will read them. Someday.

3: Any book by Cassandra Clare.
I have some of her books. She is an author I've been wanting to read for a while. There are loads of people who recommend her books to me on a daily basis. Yet, I haven't read anything by her because  they just sit on my ever-growing TBR. So I will get round to them. Eventually.

4: The Percy Jackson Series.
I know, I know. I need to work on reading some of the more famous series. They just never appealed to me, ya know?

5: Me Before You by JoJo Moyes.
Now that the movie is out, I really should jump on the bandwagon. I'm just not ready for that amount of feels yet. Not after ACOMAF.

6: The Classics.
Yes. You read that right. I have not read any of the classics. I tried Wuthering Heights. I tried Pride and Prejudice. They just... don't interest me as much as other books do. The covers look good though.

Okay. I'm going to stop before this list gets too long. You get what I mean, anyway. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's never read these?

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Twitter - @S_CDerham
Instagram - @wherebooksreign
Tumblr - fastinternetequalsheaven21 (Lame, I know. It was two years ago. I promise I'm cool.)
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